Wednesday, September 26, 2007


When we were little we all wanted to be a fire fighter, police officer, or whatever we decided to dress like that day. We played in the mud and ran around till night when we caught lightning bugs. Growing up was the last thing on our minds just convincing our parents to let us stay up for late night TV was our goal.
Slowly we made our way up the school ladder, first day of kindergarden all the way to graduation day. It was a long haul and the best days of our life. Now time to face all has come and awaits us. The important thing is we've made it so challenge it head on. Life will always have battles and there will be times that some will want to throw in the towel on it, but just remember tommarrows another day and somebody's always there to help you get through this crazy game we call life. Love, Live, and Laugh often.

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